Breast Reduction


Breast Reduction Surgery Tunbridge Wells

Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is both an aesthetic and a functional procedure. The breasts are reduced in weight and volume by removing tissue from below and around the nipple. A breast lift is also incorporated, lifting the nipple to a higher position. Finally, the breast is closed, leaving a scar around the areola (the coloured skin around the nipple), vertically down from the areola to the crease under the breast and often a transverse scar under the breast in the crease.

What does breast reduction surgery involve?

A breast reduction is a general anaesthetic operation performed in hospital, either as a day case or with an overnight stay (usually depending on the size of reduction you are having). You will wake up with surgical tapes along the wounds and in a supportive post-surgical bra after surgery.

What are the beneficial effects of breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction not only remove the weight and the volume (size) of the breasts, but also provide a breast lift. It can provide a dramatic improvement to back and neck ache, as well as improvement with problems such as fungal infections under the breast creases.

How long does the operation take?

Breast reduction surgery takes around 2-3 hours, depending on whether additional liposuction is used to re-shape the sides of the chest.

What is the recovery period after surgery?

As mentioned above, you may require an overnight stay after surgery. You should wear a supportive post-surgical bra for 6-weeks after surgery, and some people continue for 3-months.

How long before I can get back to normal?

It is important not to over do it after surgery. Taking it easy for 2-weeks with a gradual build up to the 6-week post-surgery point is best. By 6-weeks you should be back to normal sporting and exercising activities. You should not lift anything heavy for 6-weeks and should not drive for 2-weeks.

What are breast reduction success rates?

Breast reduction has very high satisfaction rates. In fact, of all plastic surgery procedures it is consistently shown to score highly in patient satisfaction surveys.

What are the risks in breast reduction surgery?

  • As in any surgery, there is a risk of wound infection & wound breakdown
  • Bleeding (a haematoma) can occur in the breast, and may require a return to the operating theatre to deal with
  • Poor scarring (hypertrophic or keloid scars) can occur
  • Changes in nipple sensation, even a completely numb nipple can happen
  • Very rarely, nipple death can occur. This can be treated using either dressings or surgery and is likely to need revision procedures in the future if it occurs.
  • Internal fat necrosis (dying of some areas of fat within the breast) has been described, and if it occurs it can usually be treated as an outpatient with dressings (if the wound has opened) or with massage of any lumps
  • Breast asymmetry – no woman has identical breasts (sisters, not twins) and whilst Mr Pacifico strives to make both sides as symmetrical as possible, there will inevitably be differences between them
  • Bottoming out describes a process in which the bulk of the volume of the breast falls below the nipple and would require further surgery to correct. Fortunately with careful surgical planning it is a rare occurrence.
  • Blood clots – deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus (PE) can occur but are not common in breast lifting surgery.
  • Revision surgery can be required to make adjustments after the initial surgery


    Before And After


    3-D Breast Simulation